
I've come to accept that I will probably die in some kind of embarrassing or highly unlikely situation. Pot smoking college students will watch its re-enactment on 1000 Ways to Die. All will conclude that only an idiot could have accomplished such a feat.

This realization was brought to my attention when I had an unfortunate incident with my underwire bra. It almost killed me. I'll leave the specifics to your own imagination.

Well, yesterday, I was on the back porch with Ayla. She was shaking a decorative ceramic holder which happened to have pussy willows in it. I knew her next step would be to pull them out and make a gigantic mess. I intervened, removing the pussy willows quickly. Amazingly--and I don't know how--a pussy willow smacked me across the face so hard it brought me to tears.

And if a pussy willow is capable of doing that, I'm sure it could leash a whole lot of whoop ass on an unlikely victim.
